Monday, January 5, 2015

I've joined the club

Well, chemo went well, had less side effects up to this point - not sure if that was because of the vitamins, prayer or Carl & Stefany's visit...probably a little bit of all of the above. Thanks so much to all who prayed for me. Katherine came with me and did great! We even had a few laughs together over some games on her cell phone.

I was thinking back to the time over 4 months ago when I first got news that I had cancer. I remember telling a friend:" I don't want to be part of that club - the cancer club! I want to be seen as Karen, the person, not Karen, the cancer patient!" Unfortunately there was no clause enabling me to opt out of the club, so here I am.

This week, however, I received my "official membership" into the club. When thinking at the beginning of this journey about losing my hair, I felt it was an advantage to be going through this during the winter because then I could just wear winter hats and nobody would even know I had cancer. I would especially not wear scarves or those little head coverings that would reveal my situation instantly. Up to this point, besides family, friends and aquaintances, people really couldn't tell I had cancer. Many people would even say to me - "But you look so well, not sick at all." This week that changed. After discovering beautiful silk scarves in a small boutique here in town, fun hats at a thrift store and lots of big, dangling earrings on special... I realized for the first time - hey, I could have fun with this! Not being especially fashion conscious throughout my life, I never really was too preoccupied by make up, jewelery and so forth. Here, before me was a unique opportunity to experience something new. So I decided to embrace it and enjoy wearing new colors and styles - "my new look".

Then came the real initiation into the club - going out in public, wearing one of these new creations, instead of a winter hat. This past week-end I went to church, a funeral and a few stores with my membership card on my head. People looked, some with compassion, some turned away, little kids stared... but it was OK. I smiled, dangled my earrings and kept going on my way, doing my thing. I am part of this club and I can be proud to be able to be in solidarity with so many who have gone before me and fought and survived this same battle. And I also know, as my friend Karey shared with me, that when people see I have cancer it will open up amazing doors to be able to meet, connect with, listen to and encourage others as they share their story with me. It's all a question of perspective. I thank God for helping me see this and for the grace to embrace it.

                            Chemo #2 with Katherine and Aunt Violet's knitted hat to keep my head snug

                                                             Some of my new styles


  1. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I have fond memories of us in high school. I wish you good health and encourage you to stay strong...All the best from Gerri Upshall.

    1. I too have fond memories! Thank you for taking the time to get in touch and encourage me. Be blessed!

  2. Go for it girl !
    You are Rocking those head Fashions .

  3. Hi Karen! It's Patsy (Kirby) Walden in Florida. I tried to post a comment previously but have no idea if you got it. I don't use FB, twitter, etc. so I'm technology-challenged! Anyway, I hope you see this one. Know that I am thinking of you and praying for you. And if anyone was staring at you, it was most likely because of that beautiful smile of yours. :-) My email:

  4. Wow! Patsy - it has been so long! Thanks for getting in touch and for your prayers. They're much appreciated!

    1. I'm going to read your latest entries in a moment. But now that I know you can "see" me, thought I'd remind you of a funny story ... this was probably when you were in grade 7 and I was in grade 9, and your family went to FL. You mailed me a postcard and part of it said something along the lines of "You should see all the hunks here. Your eyes would pop out!". And yes, I do keep all my postcards. :-)

    2. Wow! Was I really that boy crazy?? You do keep things a long time! I'll try and email you so we can catch up some more. Great hearing from you!
