Tuesday, December 30, 2014

"Peel Strong!"

My friend Karey, another breast cancer survivor, was given a inflated balloon of a bumblebee when she was going through her treatments. The accompanying message was "Bee positive!" And she was - throughout her whole journey. This Christmas, her family wanted to offer me that same balloon but only found a purple monkey! So in her ever naturally creative way, she attached a banana to the monkey and told me "Peel strong!"
As I am a few hours away from my second chemo treatment, am I "peeling" strong this morning? In myself, not really...but I am reminded of the truth that the apostle Paul discovered: "For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2Corinthians 12:10 I don't have to be superwoman this morning, I only  have to rest in Him, who will be strong for me.

Another friend sent me this verse on Facebook last night:
But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

This is my hope this morning as I face more treatment as well as losing my hair more and more. It's OK to be weak, that's when I'll be "peeling" the strongest!

Oh, and having my brother Carl and his wife Stefany arrive from Newfoundland for a visit tonight is an extra bonus - one of my best Christmas gifts and something to look forward to throughout this day!

Me and my new buddy "Eddie" the monkey

                                          With Karey, my "bee positive" friend
P.S Some people have had trouble trying to leave comments. I was able to change the settings so anyone should be able to post now. Just click on the comment button below. It may say "no comments" or "1 comment" etc. Just click there and afterwards you'll see a "Comment as:" with a choice of how you want to identify yourself. If you have a Google account you can choose that one, if not you can simply choose anonymous. Then you should be able to write something. Please let me know if you try it and it still doesn't work. I'll work on finding a solution. :-)


  1. Looking good Mommy!

  2. Happy New Year to you !
    Love the new hair cut .
    Hope you are doing OK since your second treatment , Keeping you close in our thoughts and prayer.
    love Gail
